

Forgive Me


森山加代子つながりで、Babs Tino の “Forgive Me”。ちょっとアナクロ?

Babs Tino:




Noelene Batley:

As much as I love you
As much as I need you
Like a fool,  I let you down
Played around all over town!
Forgive me for giving you such a bad time
For making you blue
For making you sad
And for giving you such a bad time!
But I swear, if you just give me a chance to
I'll make it all up to you –
Forgive me for giving you such a bad time
I was wrong but I've learned –
Even fools live and learn

Like a fool I let you down
Played around all over town!
Forgive me for giving you such a bad time
For making you blue
For making you sad
And for giving you such a bad time
But I swear, if you just give me a chance to
I'll make it all up to you –
Forgive me for giving you such a bad time
I was wrong but I've learned –
Even fools live and learn